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8bg Iphone 4s or 16gb Iphone 5C? - Printable Version

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8bg Iphone 4s or 16gb Iphone 5C? - Maddi - 04-28-2014 04:04 AM

I have the opportunity to get any new Iphone I want, and my best options are the ones listed above. I can get the 8gb 4S for free, or the 16gb 5C for $100. (I am not up for an upgrade, btw.)
I am unsure if 8gb more storage and a longer screen is worth $100.
The most songs I've ever had on an mp3 player is about 400, and I doubt I'll ever exceed 700. I don't ever watch movies or T.V., shows, nor do I take video (I have a camera for that). I save quite a few photos from screenshots, though I don't know how much space that takes up. I don't usually download apps that take up that much space, and the biggest one on my current phone is less than 30 MB.
I use Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Vine, and those can take up quite a bit.
I have around $60-70 saved up in 'allowance' so I'd have to save some more. If I went with the free phone, I could save and get a lifeproof case, or some other good protective case.

So I basically want to know is it worth it to go for the 16gb? And what all could I do with an 8gb, or would I run out of space?
Thanks a ton! Big Grin

P.S., I have Verizon, if that helps?

- Arachnophobia - 04-28-2014 04:07 AM

Well that decision is up to you. Obviously free is better but the free in your case is an old version of apples iphone. Yet another iPhone is due to be released sometime later on this year (iPhone 6).

However, you are short of money so if I were you I'd take the free iPhone for now. You can always save up the extra money for the later version if you decide the 4s is too slow.

- Jake - 04-28-2014 04:14 AM

Go for the 5C. The problem with the 4 and 4S is that of you use up about 6GB it lags a lot. The 5C also has a much better processor and it allocates memory very well. Vine takes up a lot of memory on the 4S, Facebook not so much, and Instagram also uses a lot of memory. 8GB is still a lot. Think about it this way, if you typed every word a person ever said into a word document, that document would be about 8GB. It just gets really glitchy after about 6GB. If the biggest app you have on your current phone is 30MB then you probably have an android, which uses the Google Play store. The App Store uses A LOT more memory than the Google Play store does. I would recommend something other than an iPhone. Hope this helps (: