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Google Chrome Stopped Working At All (But Other Browsers Work Fine)? - Printable Version

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Google Chrome Stopped Working At All (But Other Browsers Work Fine)? - immensecaption890 - 04-28-2014 04:05 AM

My Google Chrome suddenly stopped working (after startup from a regular shutdown, no updates/new installed software) and it hasn't been able to browse the internet at all. it simply starts up and shows the loading sign until loading fails.

Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox work perfectly fine, but I still prefer Google Chrome.

Fixes I've tried:
-Uninstall and reinstall Google Chrome.
-Run as Administrator.
-Run in compatibility mode.
-Update windows.
-Adding the "-no-sandbox" into the properties.
-Creating a new user profile.

All to no success.


- FaScEs - 04-28-2014 04:10 AM

I think Google chrome has been hacked by big brother, I loved it but started playing game with me as well, so I delete it.

- john - 04-28-2014 04:18 AM

May be it is your browser problem so you use Ccleaner software and it also may be some technical problem so waiting some time and then try again.