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Can someone help me? - Printable Version

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Can someone help me? - Emily - 04-28-2014 04:17 AM

I have a Windows 7 computer, Compaq Presario CQ57. Whenever I open Google Chrome, Internet Explorer always pops up. For instance, I click Google Chrome open and then 2 or 3 minutes later more than 20 boxes of Internet Explorer pop up and whatever pops up on Internet Explorer is the exact same game I'm playing on Google Chrome. I close the boxes of Internet Explorer, but still more boxes keep on opening. Internet Explorer keeps on asking me if I want Internet Explorer to be my default browser, when Google Chrome is my default browser so I click "No". I don't know how to uninstall Internet Explorer... I don't know how to solve this problem. Recently, I downloaded the Windows 8 Skin Pack, but then I uninstalled it and deleted it. Any help folks?
I need help ASAP!

- Boris 24 - 04-28-2014 04:18 AM

On right top corner of Google Chrome click Customize and Control G.C.On drop-down menu move cursor to tools.One more menu appears click Extensions.Go to Extensions store and get Ad Blocker (AB) and Professional Ad Bloker.Add them to your extensions.Restart Google Chrome.

- Amy - 04-28-2014 04:23 AM

If you did not have this problem until after you installed the W8 thing I would start with restoring your computer to a point before you installed it. To do this go to Start and open the Control Panel. Click Backup and Restore, Recover System Settings, Open System Restore and Next.

This will bring up a window showing some restore points. You may need to click the Show more Restore Points to find one that's long enough ago. It should be just before the problem started but no longer ago than that. Select it by clicking on it and then Next. Just keep clicking Next till it;s done restoring, it may take a few minutes. Restart and see if you're still having the same problem.

- byron1816 - 04-28-2014 04:30 AM

Sounds more like a popup problem. Bring up your internet explorer page. Click on tools,then internet options,then privacy,and check the box block popups n restart ur pc.go bk onto google chrome n u should be fine