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How to make a website...? - Printable Version

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How to make a website...? - obedientearthquake996 - 04-28-2014 04:34 AM

well I'm interested in making a website, you know a fan of mr.zucherberg.Wink
can someone help me what all I need to make a website( i mean what knowledge should I have, the liscence and all other stuff to get the site going)
and also please do suggest me what kind of website should I consider making ...
thank you ....

- john - 04-28-2014 04:38 AM

I is very simple.
There are many methods to make a website.
I am telling you a simple method
Make a account in
It is very simple to use wordpress. Wordpress is a tool to make a website

- raysor - 04-28-2014 04:48 AM

What sort of website?
A simple, cheap template type just for fun?
Or a full-blown properly designed/coded/SEOd for business purposes?
Or something in-between.
Figure out what you want to do and the end result and then design the website to get you there. Not the other way round.