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Can you use two internet connections to increase bandwidth? - Printable Version

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Can you use two internet connections to increase bandwidth? - Nick K - 04-28-2014 04:37 AM

So I was wondering, since my internet connection is 1.5Mb/256Kb, if it was possible to use my wireless card to connect to a neighbor's internet and then hook up my physical NIC to connect to my own internet and then use both as a potential 3.0Mb/512Kb connection?

If so, are there any software applications out there that can take advantage of that? It seems kind of silly, I know, but since BitTorrent is really taking advantage of my bandwidth to help download speeds, I figure maybe my neighbors and myself can use each others internet to take advantage of the times we aren't online and they are, so they get better u/l and d/l rates.

Any insights on this?

- kidnash - 04-28-2014 04:45 AM

I dont think so but i really hope there would be a software who could do that. You are only able to use one internet connection at a time, but what you and your neighbor probably could do is to check on whos got the faster connection on that particular period where you both can choose which connection will you have. It is also useful if one of your servers is down where you have the option to use the good one.

- havetowait - 04-28-2014 04:49 AM

You can only use one internet connection at a time. I wish it wasn't true, but it is...sorry!

- A Bored Nerd - 04-28-2014 04:58 AM

Nope, not that I know of. Some fancy routers or maybe distros of Linux/BSD designed for router/firewall use might be able to pull it off, but I doubt that there's much the average person can do in software. Doing it with wireless is probably even less likely.

Try searching for "multiple internet connections"

Basically $$$ and not going to really speed things up but rather balance out the load (I.E. you can do more at once but for any single download you'll only be using one connection. I suppose maybe bittorrent would be a bit smarter but I doubt it.) Save your energy the benefit isn't going to justify the cost and effort.