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Is selling ear plugs successful , will people actually buy ? - Printable Version

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Is selling ear plugs successful , will people actually buy ? - Visualroad737 - 04-28-2014 04:40 AM

I'm not doing it for the money. I just love plugs a lot and I want to make different plugs available for less then 10 bucks a pair. I have a job , it would be more of a hobby but I also don't want to invest in this and go broke because no one buys. What kind of site would be good to sell on ? Etsy , Amazon , Fb ?? I need tips ideas ...anything.. Thank you.
LOL I didn't mean ear plugs ear plugs i meant like jewelry kind like gauges hahahaa sorry guys....
I would replied sooner if yahoo had let me know I had answers...

- kemperk - 04-28-2014 04:50 AM

YOU L O V E ear plugs?

hearing aide plugs or what type?

wow, YA brings me all sorts of new concepts and unique

or do you mean buds????

- Mike O - 04-28-2014 04:57 AM

just list them and see, for me I started making speed boosters for kids powerwheels and sell pretty good.. I list them on ebay and yorbin

- Invisigoth - 04-28-2014 04:59 AM

well, that's an odd thing to be into but it takes all kinds & there are one or two businesses who make nothing but earplugs.

you can go to the hardware store & buy disposable earplugs for under $2 & heavy duty earplugs for under $5. what's so special about your earplugs that they would cost just under $10? & what kind of earplugs are you making that they would need to be different from what's already on the market?

places that would be interested in earplugs are places with high noise levels & they buy form industrial suppliers & in mass quantities. so you'd have to be able to produce a great many of them..

are you talking about jewelry for stretching earlobes? then yes, esty would be a good place for offer that kind of item. or set up your own ebay shop. that would be another good place.

- Sophie - 04-28-2014 05:03 AM

yes I guess so

- captain - 04-28-2014 05:13 AM

Well obviously someone buys ear plugs because if you have ever flown long distance you get a free pair.

So the question is then "who will buy" - lets face it, lots of places sell ear plugs, so there must be some kind of market for them out there.

Its up to you to research who buys them - my guess is $1 stores, and airlines and construction companies, anywhere there is lots of very loud noise.

I do not see them in my local supermarket, so its a fair bet most people do NOT buy earplugs.

As for you just loving them - bad idea to set up any business where you are the best customer Big Grin

- smile - 04-28-2014 05:15 AM

In order to sell on etsy, they need to be handmade. If there are then you can try to sell them. I can offer you 40 free listings if you open an Etsy account. Here is a link if you make up your mind on selling on Etsy.