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Marketing and Society get me depressed? - Printable Version

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Marketing and Society get me depressed? - Danny Fanny - 10-15-2012 09:12 PM

Everywhere I go it seems I am being promoted something or plugged a newer better version of what I own. Or people posting constant videos on Facebook about their version of the truth. "This band is the best." "The truth about drugs" bla bla fucking bla. Everything has become a conspiracy also.

I am only 20 and feel like everything needs to slow down. It gets me so depressed thinking about how all too much it is these days. Everyone is entitled their opinion but it seems everybody just disagrees these days. Slow the fuck down.
People shove god in my face, shove medication, shove illegal drugs all telling me it makes them happy? When really it all seems like a big cover up to me.

- Jade - 10-15-2012 09:20 PM

People and companies might shove their opinions - or their version of the truth as you put it, in your face but what you do after that is YOUR choice. I personally think that you're paying way too much attention to it, and overanalyzing it isn't going to make you feel better. It does seem wrong and careless and overwhelming at times, but all you can really do is live your life and do what works for you. Try to focus on YOUR truth, and the things that matter to you - you have to pick and choose your battles. I'm not saying you should try to become oblivious, but try to find comfort in knowing that these things exist, yeah, but they don't sway you. It's all about living free. Good luck Smile