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Internet Connection for PS3 help? - Printable Version

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Internet Connection for PS3 help? - agreeableWorlock777 - 04-28-2014 04:43 AM

If I connect an Ethernet cable to a laptop and the PS3, with the router in another room, will I have internet connection? If I con't, what else do I need?
I tried connecting the PS3 without the Ethernet cable and it didn't work.

- agreeableWorlock777 - 04-28-2014 04:46 AM

Woah. Why would you do that.

If you have a wireless router... well, that's ALL you need.

Your Playstation can get an Internet connection from your router. If the router is successfully set up to the internet, it will broadcast the signal throughout your house. This is the whole point of the router. Your Playstation in the other room will get internet from the router. It's the same for your laptop. You need a router for that too since you're moving it around and it is not directly connected into the Internet cables in your house.

You have everything you need. Just don't connect the Ps3 and Laptop. The Ps3 can recieve the internet connection on it's own without the help of your laptop

- Meghan - 04-28-2014 04:47 AM

Well you would need wifi for a cordless connection. I just have the ethernet cable plugged into the back of my ps3 and I have internet on mine. I don't have a laptop however so idk how you could get internet to the both of them. I think wifi would be best since you have multiple things that you want internet to.

- jonny - 04-28-2014 04:52 AM

well if you mean you want to bridge the connection from you laptop to get wifi and then send tht connnection to ur ps3 yea it will you just need to bridge look on youtube for how to do tht.