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Acquaintance ignores me on FB after she friends me... what's the etiquette? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Acquaintance ignores me on FB after she friends me... what's the etiquette? (/thread-147502.html)

- Heidi - 04-28-2014 04:50 AM

As far as I can tell, you have no obligation to this girl whatsoever. Just forget about it.

If it's important to your friend, or the son, then you might choose to be the better person and be civil. Or just explain that the girl wasn't interacting with you, and you prefer to only keep "close friends" on your list.

You really haven't done anything wrong... though you could have been a little more tolerant about her "inane" posts about her life. Just sayin'! But it's totally annoying when people add you and then ignore you. Perhaps she was hoping to add more people to her children's birthday party lists.

- Tatem - 04-28-2014 04:54 AM

I think a bunch of adults are acting like teenagers on FB. It sounds like it was all about popularity for her (one more friend to her friend total) which is apparent by the comments she makes trying to one up everybody about what a wonderful life she thinks she has. So it sounds like your husband is trying to be the adult. What is the harm in wishing someone a Merry Christmas which is the reason for the season. Be the bigger person and sign the card and remain who you are and don't let the acitons of someone else define you.

- Get In Line - 04-28-2014 05:01 AM

Your first mistake was expecting there to BE any etiquette on FB...that's that last place I ever expect it. I think FB has turned into nothing more than a bunch of ramblings by people who only want to be heard, rather than actually communicate. I don't know the whole story here, but it sounds to me like she only 'frend requested' you to keep tabs on what hubby was doing.

- Now Now - 04-28-2014 05:09 AM

Who cares? You just click on Hide all her posts. So she'll be in your friend list but you don't have to put up with her.