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I annoyed him with my drunk fb messages? - Printable Version

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I annoyed him with my drunk fb messages? - teeny-tinyroom793 - 04-28-2014 04:44 AM

So there's this guy and we were talking nonstop (he asked for my number) from last thursday till last sunday when he had to go study for his final. He even changed one of his class to be in one with me. and he messaged me saying "hey beautiful" but he said "hahah dont worry about it. it's obviously sarcasm" (?)

I was kinda expecting him to text/message me after his last finals on friday but he didn't. so yesterday, i messaged him asking what he grade he got for a class.

We were talking for a bit
(no flirtation, but he jokingly told me "You suck" when i told him what i got lol. but we're always playfully mean to each other. and we call each other homie, bro, brah, b****, etc. )

me: HEHEHEHHEHEHE. Shnxbhs. Uisb is funnnnby
him: Wow drunk *** f*** Lol
me: Whhehehheeee. Yaaaaaa. Wooooo. Hehheheheh. Haaaai Chris's
him: Log off fb when your drunk bro Lol
me: Nevaaaahhhhh Mehehe
him: Ight . Goodnight bruh
me: wow you're no fun Sad

and he saw the message but didnt reply Sad This isn't fair because he drunk texted me before (even called me when i was studying) and i was fine with it.

But please don't say anything mean to me right now. Im already am embarassed...

- Little Me - 04-28-2014 04:53 AM

I'd be glad to answer your question, but you didn't even ask one. Don't worry too much about it, he surely doesn't care about the texts today. I'm sure of it

- Emma - 04-28-2014 04:55 AM

doesnt seem like he cares much but wow your guys' convo is immature

- Ohhyeaa - 04-28-2014 04:57 AM

Hmm first of all, seems like he might not see you as more than due to him calling you things such as "bro". Looks like he mightve gotten a littke bugged but if he drunk texted and called you before like that, I don't see why he should get too mad about it. I would just apologize for the messages when you are sober and just brush it off, shouldn't be too big of a deal

- Jo - 04-28-2014 05:04 AM

As you should be.

So just exactly is your question?

All you wrote here is some dumb text. And some dumb statement about something being not fair. And an even sillier statement about calling each other some names.

Remember what it feels - and looks like - to be embarrassed, dumb and silly while drunk and texting.

Hopefully, you will learn something.

- Jaelyn:)! - 04-28-2014 05:10 AM

your conversations are wierd your putting yourself in the friend zone with him by calling each other bro, brah & what not. I don't find anything you said too embarrassing but if he doesn't make it a point to talk to you, then stop hitting him up so much & see what happens!