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Help with Google Chrome....? - Printable Version

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Help with Google Chrome....? - Freddie - 04-28-2014 09:49 AM

Every time, I go onto Google Chrome, it makes my laptop's screen go black and then go onto the blue screen, then it reboots itself. It happens every single time I'm on there. I like Google Chrome, it used to help me a lot with my other laptops, but on my current laptop it freezes. WHY?

The screen with go black, then normal, then black again, then normal again, then black again and then the blue screen will come up?!

- Gommo Matt Shaw - 04-28-2014 09:56 AM

sorry, just probably best if you dont use chrome

- Gandhi Pitman - 04-28-2014 10:00 AM

Because gommo matt shaw is rat

- helpful bob - 04-28-2014 10:07 AM

Check what version of Chrome you have some ppl are having crashing issues with Google Chrome 64 bit.

Hope that helps and best of luck.!topic/chrome/H0R4p4eC35c

- Chris - 04-28-2014 10:12 AM

is this exclusive happening in chrome? does firefox and explorer etc work ok? if so first thing id try would be re installing chrome. it may be a dodgy extension or something within chrome.

normally a blue screen would indicate a hard drive issue.

first thing id try is reinstalling. after that if still happens. maybe find a alternative to chrome Sad

you could try running something like C Cleaner ( which you can use to clear out cookies, temp files and other things within applications.

- Steve B - 04-28-2014 10:20 AM

Google is a commercial organisation that makes it's money by selling 'advertising' ...

I would not touch their 'browser' with a barge pole == I bet it 'tracks' every web site you visit as well as recording every 'search' you ever make ... and I bet Google sells that data to other companies so they can 'target' you with their advertising spam ...

So I stick to Firefox with Ad Block Plus, NoScript and Flash Block and hardly even notice the 'gaps' where the adverts would be, let alone have to worry about being 'targeted' with fake search results etc.

For example, here on Y! Firefox shows a 2" column of a nice calming medium blue, one on the left and one on the right of every page ..

.. whilst I bet you are being spammed with a 2" column of adverts instead ...