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My Facebook Likes are messed up? - Printable Version

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My Facebook Likes are messed up? - ♥ Curls ♥ - 10-15-2012 09:12 PM

So it says that I like 115 pages and it only shows 12 pages when I click on the pages that I like.
Do any of you have a link where I can view or delete my likes? I just want to unlike a few pages so that I don't have so much. Thanks you guys.
By the way I have Timeline. ;p

- Karen - 10-15-2012 09:21 PM

From your facebook timeline go to likes.
Here just before your likes shown time wise you will see
"Other Pages You Like" check your other liked pages will be displayed here.
Edit these likes as per your requirement.

- Mona - 10-15-2012 09:21 PM

For this go to your Timeline and then there you will see page you likes option open that from there you can unlike that all.