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I keep getting an error message "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" How do I fix? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: I keep getting an error message "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" How do I fix? (/thread-147687.html)

I keep getting an error message "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" How do I fix? - Tom R - 04-28-2014 09:52 AM

- Cassandra - 04-28-2014 10:02 AM

download chrome

- flatarmy369 - 04-28-2014 10:05 AM

For IE 8 & IE 9
Go to Start <> control panel <> Internet options <> advanced <> click
reset <> Place a check mark in the box that says delete personal settings <> Then click OK

For IE 10
1. Click start
2. Click control panel
3. Up top click the advanced tab
4. Click Restore advanced settings
5. Click apply then click OK