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I realized I don't have a life.? - Printable Version

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I realized I don't have a life.? - Erraticsink583 - 04-28-2014 09:55 AM

Ever since I started high school, I slowy realized I have no social life, or any life period.I have friends, but they are the same people I've know since kindergarten. I'm not exactly a smooth talker with girls.I finally had the courage to ask for a girl that I like's "number"(imessage email adress) I texted her once and we had a short conversation. She has not replied since. I go home every day to lay down in my room, watching youtube videos generally ALL DAY till I go to sleep. I don't have the confidence to put my self out there, so I have no instagram, facebook etc. I just don't know what to do to gain the confidence to pull me out of this depression. Freshman year is already coming to a close in 7 weeks. I've never in my life felt like I completly wasted 7 months of my life. I just need advice. PLEASE don't link me to a website or anything. I need actuall advice from someone who has dealed with this

- J - 04-28-2014 10:04 AM

The most important thing is to find an extracurricular activity to get good at and to eventually help others with. Learn a sport, a language, an instrument. Volunteer, do activism, participate in school clubs. Learning discipline will help you forget the loneliness and get people interested in you. And, most importantly with girls, a sense of achievement will lead to confidence, which is 99% of attracting them.

Work hard! Party hard!

- Margaret - 04-28-2014 10:12 AM

I didnt go through this before, but i do know someone who has. Now, I am great friends with her. You should go up to someone who you think would be great to be friends with. Ask him/her to maybe help you study for something. Get to know him/her. Then, you could maybe start texting them and hanging out.

- Catherine - 04-28-2014 10:19 AM

Life is very hard sometimes. I find going outside and listening to music helpful. Not having friends is hard. Try smiling a lot and being friendly. Join a club with fun hobbies. Good luck!

- Cassie - 04-28-2014 10:23 AM

Okay, you strike me as being quite sensitive and that's a wonderful quality to have but it can lead to confidence issues.

Are you happy? I know you want to change things but is that because you're unhappy with how things are or because you feel things are supposed to be different. The answer is quite important..

If she hasn't replied it doesn't matter, don't try to make things fit where they should fall into place naturally. If she doesn't like you in that way it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you at all and it definitely doesn't mean all girls will feel that way.

Facebook and instagram don't matter either I think they can actually be unhealthy promoting people to compare their lives against other peoples and feel bad without realising everyone only promotes what they want others to know.

It will sound lame but the best way to gain confidence is to be brave and put yourself in situations that are scary where you worry people might laugh or shun you but trust that they wont.