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Does my crush like me? - MomentsInTimes - 04-28-2014 10:00 AM


Ok, here we go. One of the most commonly asked questions by middle school girls everywhere...but I wanted a clear answer because everyone's situation is unique. Here's a little bit of background info: we're both 13 going on 14 this year (8th grade), and are in almost all the same classes because our school just works that way.

I don't know what to think. I entered the school (which is private) in grade 7. We became fast friends. We had a class of 14 (which is 11 this year) so a tiny class. We sat together in social studies and science for 3/4 of the year last school year. Heres a list of stuff that might make answering this question easier, if you can make sense of it? Help me, I don't want to trust just my friends and classmates opinions, lol!

Also, last year I liked him a lot but this year not as much. He's a bit on the immature side if you ask me, but really funny and cute, athletic and smart.

-last winter, 3 girls in my class asked him if he liked me without me knowing...and apparently he just shrugged and ignored them...then after they came up to me and asked me if I liked him. I denied it and then they said they were pretty sure he likes me. Um, that makes 0 sense?
-he teases me so much...and he comes up with so many nicknames for me and I only entered the school last year.
-he says "you're so cute" sometimes and "you're cute when you're mad" before because he was playing with my hair and I was mildly annoyed...
-everyone...even the seventh graders who we don't talk to very much think he likes me. I used to like him a lot but idk if i do as much anymore, but i still do.
-he always asks me to help him in class, even on easy stuff in social studies class. He asks me to help him find where the info is, which means that i have to get up from my seat and help him, even though he sits really close to me.
-he always scoots closer to me in class if he sits near me.
-he annoys me to no end.
-he stares at me. For example: We sit near each other in social studies and science this year too, my best friend sits right across from me, and she has said she notices it often. I notice it too.
-eye contact. Good sign?
-we were watching a movie in choir class and we had free seating choice (he sits next to me there anyways :') ) but he chose (instead of sitting right next to his close friend who is also my other best friend, let's call him K, he chose to sit next to me, even though there was a kid separating K from us), and was talking to me and poking me the whole time to the point where he got moved for talking by the teacher lol
-my best friend asked one of his best friends over text who he liked (let's call him C) ...his friend did not answer (this was without me knowing at the time again! my friends are sneaky)
-he touches me. NOT creepily or inappropriately at all, like grabbing me from behind, poking me, kicking me, kicking me under the table, pulling on my arm, grabbing my shoulders, etc etc.
-his locker is right next to mine and he uses his foot to hold it closed if I'm trying to get something, or stands in front of it, anything to prevent me from getting in it. on the contrary, if it gets stuck he waits behind with me and helps me get it open. Opposites there?
-he basically always wants my least thats what I've been hearing from my classmates and friends.
-he literally always comments and likes on my Facebook and Instagram pictures and statuses. He also posts on my FB wall a ton...and tags me in things...
-he doesn't text me...? He asked for my Kik once but it was in class and our teacher interrupted us. he only texts me on the FB group chat my best friend made.
-his little sister has a bit of a mental problem (and is in 6th grade), and I'm one of the only people who's nice to her...she randomly hugs me all the time. She talks to me about him too, and he tells her to leave me alone. Which I find rude towards his sister.
-he steals my stuff (like my iPad, pencils, pencil case, papers etc) and sometimes runs away with them so I have to chase him.
-in gym class playing dodgeball he picks me for his team if he's captain
-for intramural dodgeball I was the first girl he picked for his team and he only picked and my best friend((: which he later told me was because "I thought you wanted your best friend on your team"
-plays with my hair
-yesterday (Feb 7/2014) we watched a movie in French class and he came and sat really close right beside me. That embarrassing part was that he tried to take a selfie with me and our friends were videotaping and photographing us :/ and making hearts and kissy noises....yes, I have embarrassing, dumb immature friends!
-writes on my papers. My last year social studies and science binder is full of his sketches and his writing and stuff...
-in choir he wrote on my paper and the teacher was coming around to inspect our papers but mine was really messed up, so He just crumpled up his paper and made it look messy to "take the attention away from my paper so you won't get it trouble, well both get in trouble" but we didn't...I thought that was sweet.
-he talks about me a lot to his friends. my best guy friend (a different guy) is one of his best friends and says that he talks about me a lot...
-about 6 people know that I like him ( K, C, my best friend, and a few other close friends)
-tries to sit with me. In science class one day he scooted super close to me and moved his stuff closer, but he got reprimanded because he "has a lot of space, give (my name) space"
-sometimes he is immature and others the opposite. Haha. Sorry it was soooo long :/ hehe

WHEN i said yesterday thats a mistake i meant last week.

- Steph - 04-28-2014 10:09 AM

He likes you and trust me men never grow up but that's what makes them so different and lovable

- Kristin - 04-28-2014 10:15 AM

He likes you a lot. He makes eye contact and chooses you over his friends sometimes. He even talks about you and him picking on you and annoying you might be his way of getting your attention or flirting. He likes you.

- fakeCubed - 04-28-2014 10:22 AM

Guys only have three categories to put people into, which define the relationships he has. Anyone who doesn't fit in a box gets tossed away and ignored.

The first category is friendship. Some people will say that boys and girls can be friends. While it's true sometimes boy-girl relationships end up something similar to friendship, neither party is satisfied by this arrangement and it often leads to heartbreak. Bottom line, if you're female, no guy will ever want you as a friend, because you're just not able to relate to him as other males do. Guys speak a different language with each other, and the basis of their friendship has its roots in activities women (or girls) just don't understand. There's nothing wrong with you, it's just that guys expect different things from friendship than you do. Friendship for guys is an alliance formed towards a common set of goals.

The second category is rivalry. To an outsider, rivals often look very much like friends (and vice versa), but it's a distinct form of relationship. Other times this rivalry will be obvious. Again, this is a male-to-male relationship, and you, being female, will never be considered a rival by any guy. The social structures and hierarchies of the male pack are complex and as a female who hasn't been brought up inside it, you won't ever fully understand it.

Now, as a female, you do qualify for this third category in his head. The third category is sexual interest. I know you (and he) are young so I don't want to scare you, but sexuality is a spectrum of behaviors and desires that grow and develop over time. At his age, he'll have a less mature sexual interest in girls, and of course it varies person-to-person just how mature they've become even at the same age. You can think of sexual interest as nothing more than a desire for physical contact. When boys are young, his needs may be as simple as wanting to hold your hand, hug you, or give you a simple kiss. As he gets older, a guy will need more and new kinds of physical contact from a girlfriend to be satisfied. It's all, in his mind, forms of sex. When a guy "likes" you, it means is he's interested in physical touch, whatever level of physical touch he has the maturity for and desire for. Liking you and being attracted to you are the same thing.

A guy has no other boxes in his head to sort you in if you don't meet his criteria for one of the three. Plenty of other guys will never be sorted into one of the first two boxes, and they'll just be ignored. They don't exist in his world. Similarly, plenty of girls will never be sorted into his third box. For some reason, they don't attract him. They, too, will be ignored.

So, with all that said, it should hopefully be obvious. Yes, your crush likes you. If he didn't, he would not pay even the slightest bit of attention to you. He would certainly not be touching you. You would not exist. He doesn't want to be your friend, since you don't qualify for that particular job. You're certainly not a rival. He's attracted to you!

One final lesson you should learn, is that guys are non-verbal communicators when it comes to their feelings. Pay attention to a guy's actions, not his words. Guys don't believe words, and they don't mean the words they say (even if the words are true). Guys only trust action, and they never lie with their action. If you're waiting for this guy to confess his undying love for you, you may be waiting a very long time, indeed. But, meanwhile, he's been SHOWING you for a long time, with his body language, behavior, and actions, exactly how he feels. Learn to listen to his action and body language, and trust his behavior towards you, and you'll never be confused by any guy ever again.