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Help!!! I think Amazon might have ripped me off!? - Printable Version

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Help!!! I think Amazon might have ripped me off!? - Tammy - 04-28-2014 10:04 AM

I've ordered some things for my daughter for Christmas. I was really excited about it because this is her first Christmas but now I'm confused and very disappointed and freaking out because I think Amazon may have ripped me off. I received an email saying that my payment has been declined and that I need to revise my payment method. I used a Visa gift card to order these things because I don't have a bank account. I have done this several times before on Amazon without any problems. It was a 100 dollar card and I didn't even use all of it...I double checked by going on to the gift card site and looking at the transactions. Amazon is there and says pending. One of the items has shipped so they did take my money but why are they telling me that my order has been declined? I tried tracking the items. Like I said, 1 says shipped. 2 say they are shipping now and the three other items I ordered say not yet shipped and that they have received my order. If they are saying that they received my order does that mean that it went through? I'm so confused. I've been an Amazon customer for years and nothing like this has ever occurred. Has anyone ever experienced this and if so can you help me out with some advice on what to do?

- Takki - 04-28-2014 10:11 AM

...have you tried calling them? (calling is quickest.)
Amazon's customer service from my experience is pretty damned awesome.

- Michael - 04-28-2014 10:17 AM

I had this problem before. You have a Visa gift card, and it can only be used for purchases in the US. I always get that problem whenever I try to buy something from another country on Amazon, like from China. You can use the Visa gift card to buy an online Amazon gift card, and the Amazon gift card can be used to buy international items.