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What are some tips can you give me on approaching women? - Printable Version

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What are some tips can you give me on approaching women? - Toughapparel353 - 04-28-2014 10:04 AM

I mean a woman i may see from a distance but she is so bad that i just must approach her.what are some words that you think will work?

- The - 04-28-2014 10:14 AM

Don't do any cheesy pick up lines!!!

Maybe start a convo by asking her what time is it?

- Gabrielle - 04-28-2014 10:21 AM

Make eye contact first. Introduce yourself with a hand shake. Ask her questions relating to the seen, so if its in the bar..."hey, are you here by yourself or do you come here often". Just continue to ask her questions till you find something in common, then talk about that subject. The goal here is to find that common ground and chemistry. Always talk to her first, ask her if she wants drinks def later in the convo, once you get a vibe she is okay with talking to you (you can tell this by postive body language). When exchanging contact info at the end of your convo, ask for her email or fb...if you truely want to get to know this girl. If not, say it was nice talking to you and walk away

- Duckman - 04-28-2014 10:23 AM

Hello is a good know, spewing out some lines that you thought of before hand is a real douche move and they'll know it anyway. It only works on the ones that want it to work on them, if you get what I'm saying......if you as a person do not have the courage of character to approach a woman without a pickup line and hold a conversation, then what makes you think some words you remembered is going to work? Don't you think they've heard it all before?