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How much do colleges take your Facebook page into consideration? - Printable Version

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How much do colleges take your Facebook page into consideration? - Xpwnage123 - 10-15-2012 09:13 PM

I know this questions been asked, but as social networking's importance evolves I feel like this question is getting more relevant. How often to college's check your Facebook page when you apply to them? Also, how much of the stuff I put up (photos, videos, etc) will they have access to? And if I delete the content I might not want them to see, is there any possible way for them to still see it? Thank you very much.

- John N - 10-15-2012 09:21 PM

As long as you don't have any illegal stuff or anything that would be deemed inappropriate to a 8 year old or you swear too much, don't sweat it. Yes, even if you delete it there will still be access to it, because once its up on the internet it cannot be taken off. Sorry.

- ProVolcom214 - 10-15-2012 09:21 PM

Businesses typically have access to even private Facebook pages as once you are under contract you are representative of your company or business which gives them legal rights to any public records (including Facebook), however most colleges won't take the time to check your page. While your Facebook may have photos and videos that would keep some businesses away from you, your college or university is more concerned with your academics rather than your social life. If you're really worried about them viewing something on your page, deleting it should be enough.

In general, unless you agree to submit a background check to an institution they have no reason to view anything other than what you submit to them.