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Why hide that you've moved on? Or why do this. Damn it's just fb too. Deactivated my acct again...hella dumb? - Printable Version

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Why hide that you've moved on? Or why do this. Damn it's just fb too. Deactivated my acct again...hella dumb? - Jollygrandfather720 - 04-28-2014 10:13 AM

For instance, why do men who were once interested in you suddenly don't want you to know that they are interested in someone new. Wouldn't that just make it easier? It's been six monthes and I feel like my excrush is "hiding" his love life from me. I rather he just act like its no big deal. Yes it hurts, but I always told myself that if a guy moves on, then so should I bc then he really isn't worth it. He took some time to and I'm grateful for that but I don't need him to hide it all. It makes me feel weird about myself. He blocked me 6 monthes ago but I found out and he didn't block the family fb and I didn't add him on that but I did confront him from there. I deactivated everything two monthes ago so I could concentrate on my applications for graduate studies and I activated 4-5days ago. I did check his yesterday (as an excuse I saw his friend but the truth is I wanted to look at it since 4-5 days ago)...and he no longer has a relationship status up or wall availabe ot the public. Like my setting, ironically. I did in May bc I decided that if he didn't care to keep me as a friend then he didn't deserve to know whts up with my life

- *TheKing* - 04-28-2014 10:17 AM

why do you even care? Let him do watever he wants.

- Scott A - 04-28-2014 10:21 AM

He's probably hiding it because fb ruins relationships. But tbh quite a lot of people keep everything hidden to just friends because it is more secure and they don't want to be creeped on. I don't kno why he blocked u etc. but maybe that shows that he has moved on. If ur still interested in him despite what u said about moving on if somebody u liked moved on, then message him and ask him what's up.