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I'm in love with a girl who doesn't talk to me? - Printable Version

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I'm in love with a girl who doesn't talk to me? - obedientvolcano880 - 04-28-2014 10:19 AM

There's a girl who I like on Facebook i've never hung around with her or never talked to her but i'm madly in love with her. I know what you're thinking how can you be in love with a girl you've never talked to before but I just see her pictures she puts up she's lovely she has the perfect smile the perfect face she's beautiful. I have text her to say hi whatsup but she sees the messages but doesn't reply. Is there another way I could text her so she would want to text me back or a way she would text me back. Please help. The problem is im 16 I have chubby cheeks but im not fat im not good looking and i've never had a girlfriend and I dont hang around with girls simply because I dont have any mates who hang around with girls.

- Gemma Louise - 04-28-2014 10:23 AM

You sound like a really sweet guy..but you can't say you're in love with someone from their's cute you think she's really pretty and seems perfect, but you don't know her well enough. Is she from school? How did you come across her profile? Try and find some way of just casually meeting her, not for a date, but just something like a movie or food.

- Jason - 04-28-2014 10:28 AM

Hi! Right off the bat, I'm sure you're not a bad looking dude, and I think you should try to be more confident about yourself and who you are before any further action. Think about what makes you awesome and why that girl would be lucky to have you. Not cockiness, but confidence!

Whether or not you're really in love with this girl depends on what draws you to her. Is it simply her looks, her "perfect face," even her captivating smile, that you are attracted to? If so, you are most likely deeply infatuated, not in love, even if it really seems like love.

However, if there are apects of her personality that you find particularly attractive, like she is humorous, then perhaps you would be in love with the idea of her you have in your mind. Nonetheless, you don't really know her personally because you haven't spoken to her. As for communication, you can try texting but if possible try talking in person, it's much more intimate and shows more confidence. D

- Ramster - 04-28-2014 10:33 AM

Hi James