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Do you view FB cheating the same way as an actual physical affair? - Printable Version

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Do you view FB cheating the same way as an actual physical affair? - Teachercop - 04-28-2014 10:21 AM

My wife was out of a job for a while. She was looking but not finding anything. She felt bored and rejected even though I tried to spend time with her and encourage and love her.

She left her FB page up on the pc one day. The chat box was open and I read it. she was chatting with an old lover of hers from her college years, before she knew me. They two of them talked about sex together and the old days. She may have sent him a pic of her b/c he mentioned her being careful about sending pics. I got one in my email from the the same day...not a nude one but her in a sexy outfit. I'm afraid she sent him one, too.

So my question is that would you view an emotional affair, as this one seemed to be, the same as if they two had sex while I was at work? What would you do?

- gracey - 04-28-2014 10:23 AM

I would have her cut off all ties with an ex...they are an ex for a reason and she should know better

- Daisy - 04-28-2014 10:31 AM

No, I wouldn't view this as the same thing as actual, physical cheating. But it is definitely a sign that something is wrong in the relationship and could lead to sex if you guys don't work things out.

- fellbuddy - 04-28-2014 10:34 AM

Were they talking about when they had sex in the old days or was it cyber sex? If the latter I would say it is cheating as she should not be thinking about sex with another man unless it is someone unattainable like a film star.

- sheloves_dablues - 04-28-2014 10:41 AM

Chatting with an ex isn't cheating...

Screwing an ex is cheating. Talking is perfectly acceptable.

You're paranoid.

- Gorgerous_babe420 - 04-28-2014 10:43 AM

Wow! yes that is totally cheating especially with an ex!! Why the hell are they even friends on fb? Why did she have to send him a pic of herself when she is married to you? I don't think this is fair because if you were contacting an ex while she was at work making all the money to provide for your family she would be pissed and file for divorce! You need to confront her about it

- gary_lombardo - 04-28-2014 10:50 AM

Being out of a job definitely takes its toll. Catching up with old lovers on FB is common and reliving "glory days" is part of it. It is easier to stay in the comfort of the past than to face an unknown future. The best you can do is reassure your partner as an equal not as a lover. If you can live without bringing this period up it may be for the better. Suggest things that build her esteem: interview clothes maybe or a networking group of other professional women.

- groundhog - 04-28-2014 10:59 AM

Don't be insecure. Looking over the fence is not the same as jumping over it.

- All We Need Is - 04-28-2014 11:06 AM

It is the same crap as cheating. I do not care what anyone else says.

Sorry too~

- Tori - 04-28-2014 11:11 AM

I would talk to her about it and try to fix it bc obviously she is unhappy or looking for more. Be there for her and see what she has to say about it. Talking isnt cheating but that is not the type of conversation a married woman should have with an ex so concern is acceptable but now you are aware that something is wrong so you can fix it. good luck Smile