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My close friend called me a Ramadan Muslim. Should I keep talking to her? - Printable Version

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My close friend called me a Ramadan Muslim. Should I keep talking to her? - Sam - 04-28-2014 10:26 AM

I met this girl on twitter like a year ago and we've been friends ever since. At first I enjoyed talking to her because she's my first online friend. We started DM'ing on twitter, messaging each other on kik, then later on transferred our convos to facebook. The whole time we've been talking, the whole conversation has revolved around her. I didn't mind at first and she asked why I never talked about myself but I said I didn't have anything to talk about. But these past few months, my family's been going through a rough path like my parents splitting up and stuff and I needed someone to talk to. I tried talking to her about it but she kept changing the subject back to herself. Recently, Ramadan began and this is the first time I honestly tried to become more into Islam. Like stop listening to music, spending more time at the mosque, and learn the history about it. I guess she noticed from the way I was talking that I was changing. She said 'ever since Ramadan started you've changed, why even bother you're going to go back to the way you were before anyways. that's just being a hypocrite' that honestly hurt so much I felt like I was going to cry. I didn't reply after that because i was too shocked and sad. she keeps trying to message me but i ignored her ever since she said that which was like a few days ago. I can't let it go because this isnt the first time she's been rude to me. She considers me her "internet best friend" and whenever she does something or needs advice and comes to me i still support her even though what she wants to do is stupid. I'm so fed up with her because I'm always there for her for the good or bad and here she is doing what she's doing.
she's also muslim. i don't like to judge but she isnt the best muslim out there.

- lowroom870 - 04-28-2014 10:30 AM

You met a friend who seem to me not a true Muslim.

When you lead someone and help someone be more involved into Islam. Not only that person is getting reward for worshiping Allah. However, other person who helped you is getting reward for making you a worship Allah.

It seem to me, you guys are young and do not have much knowledge about Islam.

If I was her. I would be happy for turning your life back to Islam.

The truth is. You have no reason to cry. Because, at least someone came to your life who helped you to open your eyes and see Islam in a bright way, which made you change your mind and worship Allah.

You should keep practicing Islam. Be thankful to Allah at least you got back to Islam, and doing what Allah wants you to do, which is worship him.

- justme - 04-28-2014 10:34 AM

Up to was just a name calling. You could just tell her don't call you that way.

- tinyvisitor242 - 04-28-2014 10:38 AM

Idk, it looks like you are attached to her and she is attached to you. If she makes you feel uncomfortable, then stop talking to her. But if you feel that, you can forgive her then continue speaking to her.

Ramadan Mubarak!!!!!!Big Grin

- Charliee - 04-28-2014 10:41 AM

Sounds like you are done having a friendship with her. If she is always talking about herself than, how is that a friendship? Should be 50/50. A friend is supposed to be encouraging not knock you down, especially if you are trying to better yourself. And if she is a true friend she would respect the fact that you are a Muslim and one of the most important things to Muslims is Ramadan. I would never say something like that to one of my Muslim friends.

Congratulations on trying to get closer to God thru Islam. Don't let someone make you feel bad because you are trying to better yourself. Ever heard the saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me"? Well it is true. You are not a hypocrite. You are human. And humans make mistakes. Humans sin. But the best thing to do is to keep going forward and if Islam is it for you, go for it. There is no such thing as the perfect Muslim. So you may make mistakes but it doesn't matter. God forgives.

- nicegoldfish920 - 04-28-2014 10:48 AM

do not pay heed to what she or others are saying.if anything,its only a means of Allah giving u more reward for u strive to be a better Muslim.i experienced this too.not long ago i was the black sheep of the herd.i smoke,frequently miss salah,and generally viewed as not Islamic in an otherwise Islamic community.but it was during ramdhan as well tht things really changed for me.i too received many of such comments from friends at the time.but God willing i stood steadfast and continued to better myself and alhamdulillah,now people view me differently and see my hijrah or transformation as something genuine and substantial.if u are pure in intent to be better words of others would not bother u,only what u think that Allah would think of u matters.good luck