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What to do if I see my ex at the club? - Printable Version

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What to do if I see my ex at the club? - hissingcrate723 - 04-28-2014 10:27 AM

Ok first of all it's HIM who I think is trying to encounter me somehow. Last friday I went to a club with a friend and he saw a pic on Instagram and the next day he texted me and said he was about to go that night also with his best friend but they were tired (both work on fridays) and didn't go. Now he clubs like 2 times a week at other clubs and he had told me (weeks before) that he wouldn't go to the club I went to that night and said I shouldn't either because he had heard it wasn't too good. It's just that friday nights thats the only club that people between 18-21 can go in, all others are 21+ so I didn't really have a choice and really wanted to go to a club. So it's pretty obvious that when he saw my pic (he told me he saw it thats why he knew I was at a club) he wanted to go too to see me. Next friday I'm going again with my friend and I feel like he might go. I'm not canceling just cause of that, he's the one who shouldn't go, after all he said that club "wasn't that good" anyway so why else would he be there?
ANyway, what should I do if I encounter him? If he does go we WILL see each other since it's not such a big club plus i'm 100% sure he'll come and talk/greet me. How should I act? I'll be going with my friend and he should be going with his. Also, he has shown signs that he's jealous of my friend, he think im dating him or something. With that said, he isn't the bad type of jealous guy, he tries to play it cool and hide his feelings so he wont argue lol
And tbh I still have some feeling for me and I'm sure he does too since he's jealous. But I think moving on is best but still wanna be friends with him. And no im not gonna purposely talk to toehr guys to make him more jealous, beign with my friend will make him jealous enough. I don't want him to feel that way but im not ditching my friend. I just want to be friends with him but idk how to make him just see me as a friend.

- Pearl L - 04-28-2014 10:32 AM

just ignore him if you dont want to talk to him