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How do I respond to my boss's facebook request? - Printable Version

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How do I respond to my boss's facebook request? - Lily - 10-15-2012 09:13 PM

I need your help.
I'm a student and I recently landed an internship (a course requirement for school).
in the marketing department of a local entertainment company

My boss asked me to Add myself to their Company Fan page.

Problem is, I don't have facebook! How do I reply to this " Sorry I can't like the company FB page, because I dont have a facebook account?"

Is there anyway to respond to this without sounding awkward. I had privacy issues in high school and I have to keep my online visiblity private for legal reasons.

Please help. Do you think my boss will fire me for not having a facebook account? I thought I could just update their social media accounts for them ( I am familiar with how to use fb and twitter but i do not have personal accounts) and that would be okay..?

I hate how people react when I tell them I'm not on Facebook. As if having an account is vital.
I know it's easier to communicate but if you really need to contact me just phone, text or email.

Thanks for your help.

- ♥ July ♥ - 10-15-2012 09:21 PM

It's not aquward that you don't have facebook. not everyone does. just tell him you don't because you don't.

- zaphodsclone - 10-15-2012 09:21 PM

You already have your answer, and it is a valid one.

Due to personal privacy concerns I do not subscribe to facebook or any other social media sites So I am unable to do what you ask.

I wouldn't even bring it up again unless this inappropriate douchenozzle presses the issue.

- A Hunch - 10-15-2012 09:21 PM

If the internship is related to accounting, manufacturing, almost all disciplines in the company your reasons are valid.

But you say "I thought I could just use their accounts" - it's not a valid reason because:
1. you are doing social media as part of your internship so you should participate in the marketing technique.

2. A business facebook page is connected to a person. the person that "owns" the pages accessed the page via their own facebook account and password. To grant other people access to the page, they give that person access via that person's facebook page. So you need a facebook account to get the appropriate access.

- Tomato Head - 10-15-2012 09:21 PM

It actually makes you sound more maturer not having a facebook