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Please Help! Girl Troubles!? - Printable Version

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Please Help! Girl Troubles!? - Jollyicicle220 - 04-28-2014 10:28 AM

Okay there is this girl I like. I met her at my church and I get to see her often enough on the day I have church. Though she goes to a different school. Here are the questions I want you guys to answer.

Is it a good idea to ask her out

How can I ask her out since I'm shy and she's shyish

Is it natural to come up with a plan or just ask her naturally

Would it be weird if she said yes because I'm white and she's Indian from India kinda look or darker skin not black though

Would she turn me down because of my skin color

At my church we are having an event and if our team wins we will get to go somewhere would that be a good time to ask her out

How can I get her to like me more

Thanks you to all that answer

- ashley - 04-28-2014 10:38 AM

Just be yourself. How about you start a convo with her and see where it goes.

- CAPS - 04-28-2014 10:42 AM

Wellllll. You were to straight forward. Here's what you do. If you have facebook chat her and say something "Hey I was the guy at church who approached you, sorry for being to straight forward, I hope I didn't weird you out. Sorryyyy" Then talk on facebook. If it works and you think you had a good convo, the next time you see her say HI and try to talk to her in person Smile Be confident, my man! Wink