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Is it unprofessional to give a personal username to an employer? - Printable Version

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Is it unprofessional to give a personal username to an employer? - Unnamed - 04-28-2014 10:35 AM

If all my open source contributions were made under an account with a personal username, would that look unprofessional? If I'm already known in the community as (for example) king017, and I give a link to my account for to show some of my work, would employers be turned off by it?

In this case, using my real name isn't really an option since mine is very common and pretty much all possible combinations of first/middle/last name have been taken (I definitely don't want to append numbers). At the same time, I don't really want the community to know that "king017" is really John Brown (for example) either.

Should I make a username based on my name that can be used for showing off to employers, but at the same time obscure enough that no one else would know my real name unless they knew it already? If so, what are some good ideas?

A friend of mine goes by drpm (real name "Paul Michaels"; not a doctor), while another goes by elliastrum ("Elliot" + astrum (Latin for 'star')). Something like those maybe?

- Paradise Mike - 04-28-2014 10:36 AM

If I was the guy looking at it; I wouldn't think it was unprofessional. I'd want *something* to show that's really you, though, and not just a random profile you found on the internet.