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My McAfee blocked Google Chrome? - Printable Version

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My McAfee blocked Google Chrome? - colossaltrail535 - 04-28-2014 10:36 AM

So the little pop up always comes up in the corner of my screen saying "This program wants access" and usually it's just Sims or Chrome or something, so I just click Allow Access, but this time I accidentally clicked Block Program. Now I only have the trial version of McAfee so I can't go to settings or whatever and just unblock it. I tried contacting McAfee, but it just got me to download their stupid Virtual Technician and did a scan, and then couldn't even resolve the two problems it found. I went back on their website and the simple "What's your question? Send us an email!" section was nowhere to be found, which would seem like the logical thing to have on a support website. How in the name of God can I unblock Google Chrome?! I hate Firefox, Explorer, Opera and Safari and I love Chrome, so I will refuse to use any of them for long. HELP ME!! I want my Chrome back!!
Am now downloading Microsoft Security Essentials.... Looking good so far. Just worried about what my brother will say when he sees that I've uninstalled McAfee. Oh well, it's full protection with this one Smile

- Pola Bear - 04-28-2014 10:37 AM

well what you can do is you can uninstall the trial, then reinstall it and it'll be unblocked. but i recommend if you're using Windows to download Microsoft Security Essentials. it's just as good as McAfee but it's absolutely free and you have access to everything including settings. i've been using it for a long time and it works great. it doesn't block Google Chrome either, which i love and use too

- Kevin - 04-28-2014 10:45 AM

get another antivirus or contact McAfee, cuz google chrome is 100% safe, unless a virus affected it