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Will he know I've been on his profile? - Printable Version

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Will he know I've been on his profile? - Ven - 04-28-2014 10:54 AM

Ok I am SUPER shy and an insanely panicky person, so PLEASE don't comment if you're gona say "just add him." or anything about God, I'd just rather you didn't reply at all lol.

There's a guy at work I have really liked for ages, but he quit his job last week. I've been going on his facebook page quite a lot like to see how his new job is going and things, as he's quite chatty on there (yes, I know it's sad) The thing is, when I go on it once, I click off then think "Shit, what if I accidentally liked or shared something, or accidentally clicked to add him as a friend???" I get really panicked and have to go back on his profile to check... repeatedly.

He has never shown up in my "Find Friends" list before, you know when you click the lil symbol on the top right? But tonight he has not only shown up, he is the first on the list even though we have only 1 mutual friend. So now I'm obsessively clicking on and off the list to make sure I haven't accidentally friended him.

I am really freaking out about why he is number 1 on there. Does he know I've been looking at his profile? I read an article where people did experiments, and found that if they repeatedly went on another persons profile, THEY would appear on the 'Find Friends' list of the person who's profile they were viewing. So wait... has he been on mine???

Please tell me, assure me there is no way he can see I've been on his profile so much. I'm really stressing, I will never go on it again if that's what it takes.
Thank you everyone, I feel a lot better now.

- abraXus - 04-28-2014 11:00 AM

there's no way for him to know you have been viewing his profile

- flatholiday292 - 04-28-2014 11:03 AM

The only way he will know if you have been on his Face Book profile is, if you tell him you have.

- Rachel - 04-28-2014 11:07 AM

don't worry i get paranoid about doing this but it will be fine he won't be able to tell