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Do you think a person's life can change by seeing a motivational video? - Printable Version

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Do you think a person's life can change by seeing a motivational video? - Great - 04-28-2014 10:58 AM

- T-REX - 04-28-2014 11:03 AM

If you start out as really ignorant...

- PlumCrazyAnimal - 04-28-2014 11:11 AM

Only if your mind can actually grasp the meaning behind it.

- Harshvardhan - 04-28-2014 11:14 AM

It depends. A motivational video can cause one to have an initial spark and will to work hard, succeed and change his life, but all that goes to waste if u dont actually work towards ur goal.
So a simple advice, after ur motivational video, dont go to fb, or post questions on yahoo but close ur computer and start working. Then ur life will change.
Hope this helps

- Drake - 04-28-2014 11:21 AM

never underestimate the human minds capacity for stupidity so yep

- Mystique - 04-28-2014 11:24 AM

It certainly can. Depending on the way the video is put together, the tone of the background music (if any) along with the powerful message through the speech that is being given can really change how a person thinks. It can make someone change their state of mind, get a new perspective and think more positively. I was bored one day on YouTube and searched something and came along this video,

It made me think about life in a more open minded, spiritual and positive way. I won't go on about it more, but i think people's life can be changed by watching videos like that. Good luck!

- I was here - 04-28-2014 11:31 AM

"No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge."

- conor - 04-28-2014 11:34 AM

It can for about an hour for life changing you need to find out what you really like become passionate about it and make your world revolve around it for me it's the myths of my country at the moment it keeps me busy before it was football life changing ?
Football to history

- Jasmin - 04-28-2014 11:39 AM

I think so. It depends on how motivated you are already and just how you are as a person. I suppose some videos will suit a person while the same don't motivate someone else. Yes, I think some well-put together motivational videos do have the intended affect! Smile