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How can I make myself harder to find on FB Search? - Printable Version

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How can I make myself harder to find on FB Search? - The other Kim K - 04-28-2014 11:06 AM

To ppl who aren't my friends, they can only see my main lil picture, college and sex when they click on my page. My friends can see my bday, email, wall and only profile pictures (some can see my friends list and some not). I have alot of ppl blocked and I blocked some of their friends who I was friends with or who might add me so they wouldn't ask them if they can see my FB. However, I cant control these ppl from going on a random person's FB (whom I don't know or is not my friend on the site) and looking me up. Then they would realize that I blocked them since that'd be the only way they could know i have a profile.

I know people take out their last names and just use they're 1st and middle to make themselves harder to find (when dealing with employers and stalkers) but my problem is that my 1st name is fairly common but spelled in a VERY unusual way, so ppl could still find me easily. I thought of doing first initial and last name, but my last name is quite uncommon as well so ppl would know its me based off my initial and last name.

What should I do?

- Dizzy - 04-28-2014 11:09 AM

why are you blocking all these people? i think you need to calm down.
you can actually stop people from seeing your little profile picture.
the only way to make sure people cant find you is to delete facebook and since you have everyone blocked it doesn't look like it'll matter.

just change your name, use a nickname or something.

- toby - 04-28-2014 11:18 AM

What? It's the whole POINT of Facebook that people can find you and connect to you?

- Respectedsun844 - 04-28-2014 11:25 AM

Put a nickname in to replace your name, OR block people who you know are trying to find you [they wont be able to see you on fb anymore!] The employees pay facebook themselves to find you&your information, not a lot you can do [just be careful with status updates & profile pictures, ofcourse they dont expect you to be saints no drinking/partying/smoking, they want you to have lives! If they dont, are you sure you want to work for them?] Just make sure you limit all your information [go to help & settings for the stalkers]


- Jay J - 04-28-2014 11:32 AM

you can actually change your settings, so that you are "unsearchable" through facebook's search tool / as well as on google.

Here's How You Do It:
In the upper right hand corner click:
Account>Privacy Settings> Basic Directory Information> View Settings

once here find "Search for me on Facebook" and hit the drop down arrow and set it to "friends only"

this way only your friends can search you on fb, which allows you 2 control who your friends are.

Enjoy Wink