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I roleplay as the opposite sex? Weird? - Printable Version

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I roleplay as the opposite sex? Weird? - Intellectualroom876 - 04-28-2014 11:08 AM

I'm a girl and I have always liked roleplaying as men better than females..
I dunno why,and I am better at it..And it's more fun Tongue
Does this make me transgender or gay? Also is it odd that I role play as male when I am a female? Tongue
(my role play pages are on fb)

- stebburn - 04-28-2014 11:13 AM

no not wired were not the first and won't be the last

- 38lsb - 04-28-2014 11:16 AM

No you're not gay, bi or transgendered. You just enjoy playing that role is all.

- May - 04-28-2014 11:21 AM

I don't think this makes you trans or gay, or anything different. People are into all kinds of scenes.

- tagboy - 04-28-2014 11:24 AM

Life is a long running soap opera and we all chose a role to play. Going to see if I can find you on fb if I need help mail me.

- ReneeR - 04-28-2014 11:33 AM

There isn't a problem with this at all. Lots of people do this.

Just don't get carried away with being a guy tho Tongue

- Zaron - 04-28-2014 11:41 AM

It doesn't make you gay. But it is a possible sign that you're transgender. Only you can say whether you are for sure, however. I prefer to roleplay as female in spite of being biologically male, which was one of the signs that I'm transgender. But it's entirely possible that you're happy being female. This is something you should figure out for yourself.