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Does this guy like me? - Printable Version

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Does this guy like me? - voicelesswriter337 - 04-28-2014 11:12 AM

I knew this guy a little because he knew my sister. We had talked a couple times when there were people around, but I just thought he was a really nice guy. One day he asked if I was feeling okay (he saw me sleeping with a stuffed animal!). I'm a junior in high school, so that's a little embarrassing. I told him I was just sleeping- and then we made eye contact. It felt like one of those magic moments you see in movies. Even though we were staring at each other for minutes it wasn't awkward. I said "you have really pretty eyes." He said "so do you... I don't even know your name." Exchanged names. "That's a nice name..." "So js yours..." He posted an april fool's saying he was moving on fb and I took it seriously, so I said I really liked him and wished I got to know him better. And he gives good hugs. He then said it was a joke but that I was "too nice" (and also give really good hugs), and that "we should hang out and play music and hug sometime". I'm pretty sure I like him, but I don't know if he likes me. I got two yeahs, one definitely, and one he's starting to like you from my friends that I asked. (At least no he hates you! But those answers are pretty different) I am really emotional in general, so I'm not sure if I'm over-reacting or if there's really something there. Advice?
A day after I wrote this, he found me after school and we hung out Smile
We hung out again. It was pretty cool, and I was a lot less nervous this time even though we spent like three hours together. We make good friends, at least Smile
Okay. So today he asked me when we would hang out again. He called it a "talking date". Does date mean what I think it does? Does he like me? (I think so, but I dunno, maybe I'm just over-dramatic)

- Wascally Wabbit - 04-28-2014 11:16 AM

He definitely likes you. Why don't you ask him to hang out?