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With SEO techniques, is there a guarantee for success? Can I trust SEO companies in this? - Printable Version

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With SEO techniques, is there a guarantee for success? Can I trust SEO companies in this? - Violentshow598 - 04-28-2014 11:15 AM

SEO companies out there guarantee great and rapid page rank with great traffic for your site. Can I take them on their word? Is there a way to make sure great traffic and stable page ranking?

- Marina - 04-28-2014 11:18 AM

You can try someone else to do the job for you at the beginning if you have the money, however SEO is ongoing practice, therefore you may have to pay monthly fees. Is better to learn and do it yourself. Best of luck

- Ajay D - 04-28-2014 11:26 AM

Some SEO's use wrong tactics. Your website shoots up in rank in a few days. When the wrong tactics are discovered, your website is banned for several years.

- Boni Satani - 04-28-2014 11:33 AM

Always verify what they say, ask for client testimonials and keywords ranking for their existing clients.

- Hal Smith - 04-28-2014 11:41 AM

Yes, I think you can trust them as long as you mean good traffic as success. No one can guarantee a permanent number one position in the search rankings as mostly every competitor of yours will also be doing SEO for their website. Do some research then talk to the company you want and ask them this too. If they have been in the market long enough and have served clients well, they'll be able to guide you with this.

Hal Smith
Urldreamer Consultant

- DatR - 04-28-2014 11:46 AM

if they guarantee rankings i would run.. no one can guarantee rankings.. they may get you there at first but then it drops off in one month and you don't get long term success

Have you tried running your own seo tools on your site? Search Engine Visibility does a good job to get you started

- Kaizenify - 04-28-2014 11:47 AM

It depends on the company you get. Some companies give safe and trusted ways to do the seo while others, especially the amateur ones may just waste your time. The first thing you need to do is to check the credential of the company and study the resume of the seo person assigned to you. Also check the portfolio and see the sites which he/she has worked previously. Some can easily have your site ranked to google but actually, it will just be up for a couple of months. Possibly, when google or other search engines has indexed your pages with malicious links or keyword stuffing, then it will be a waste. Get a trustworthy company so you will not worry about this.

- Gabrielle - 04-28-2014 11:55 AM

There is really a guarantee as long as the seo company really knows what they are doing.

- Evan - 04-28-2014 11:59 AM

You can't trust every company claiming guarantee fo bring good traffic to your website. however, there are some genuine SEO companies like SEO Rank Smart,, ExplodeSEO which can help you bring quality traffic to your website and can get your website a good page ranking.