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Search descriptions are inaccurate for most of our search results for my website. How can I fix? - Printable Version

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Search descriptions are inaccurate for most of our search results for my website. How can I fix? - jenmYster - 04-28-2014 11:20 AM

- ? - 04-28-2014 11:20 AM

Hard to say without more information, but general principle - search engines are simply indexing what's there. If what's popping up in a search isn't "right", it is somehow on your site, so get rid of what's wrong and replace it with what you'd like to pop up.

- Rick - 04-28-2014 11:30 AM

It might be the meta-description tag on your html page that is incorrect.

- Jake - 04-28-2014 11:35 AM

Search engines often use the Meta Description in a search result description, a short paragraph embedded in the page code you can tailor for each page.
Their guesses getting it wrong may be an indication of weak keyword matching.

Actually searching by a site's name is not a typical test, searching the subject of one of your pages might result in a sampling of that page's text that better matches the search entered.

If it's still accessible you might try entering your site or page address into the Google Keyword toool, it will scan your page like a search spider and tell you they keywords it thinks represent that page.

- Richard - 04-28-2014 11:37 AM

To begin with, keyword research should have been done even before the construction of a certain web page. Then you can develop your page title (which will become the heading of your search result listing), the url (also shows up as part of the search result listing, and meta description which can vary depending on the keyword used in the listing. The meta description doesn't actually affect your rankings, it is used to entice the online users and so you can take advantage of keyword matches returned in boldface format. If your website is built using wordpress, there is a plugin called Wordpress SEO by Yoast which allow you to configure all meta data for every page or even other elements of your site such as images, archives, etc. If you're using other platforms, you will need to insert the right meta description for each of your pages while incorporating your best keywords.