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I can't be the only one who feels this way...? - Sensational - 10-15-2012 09:14 PM

Is it me or is everything cheapened these days? Piss poor efforts, instant gratification, greed..

All factors in why our culture sucks these days?

Music sucks, movies sucks, girls are literally plastic and pounds of make up ( what happened to natural beauty? ), people are judged by their bank accounts and pocket books ( I remember another time when an individual's value was determined by their dollar worth -- slavery! ), families aren't as strong as they used to be, people are lazier, TV shows are absolute madness ( Can Vh1 really stoop any lower or get any trashier? And Reality TV, that was the beginning of the end for television... ), even the cartoons suck these days, and about those movies... Do you REALLY know the names of today's "A List" actors anymore? Once upon a time I could name several without blinking... Might have something to do with acting not requiring talent anymore, just a pretty face... Twilight, anyone? Everyone is narcissistic and so "look at me!" now-a-days... Twitter? Facebook? Are you really THAT lonely? Attention seeking? Besides, let's not talk about the girls on there.. When has it ever been accepted for a GUY to be narcissistic or attention seeking? Why is our culture so down in the dumps? Everything is backwards and has completely lost its luster... I checked out a list of upcoming horror films the other day on Youtube, scheduled for 2010,2011,2012 releases... of the 25 previews, 22 were remakes or sequels.. Hello! Originality?! I know you'll tell me there's a market for this stuff ( or not.. considering poor sales numbers ).. but, what's the alternative? If all you produce is trash, then we're forced to lower our standards for the sake of wanting to be entertained... Even video games suck now.. I grew up on Final Fantasy 7, FFT, Marvel vs. Capcom, Golden Eye 007, the old Madden Games, SNK, Capcom, Squaresoft.. SNES, Gensis, Dreamcast, PSx, PS2, N64, Neo Geo... Remember replay value? When you could finish a game and start all over... I can't find reason to do it anymore.. Here's an idea: make an FPS with great graphics and an online multiplayer co-op or competitive mode and it'll be a sure hit... Yawn. Even sports sucks now; press-army squads of SUPER TEAMS?! ( MIAMI HEAT, ANYONE?! ) What happened to COMPETITIVE SPORTS? Forming an alliance with your super star buddies to get an NBA ring is about as lame as it gets... Thanks for ruining that one for me, Miami... And yeah, the Yankees BUY championships... It's just not fun, anymore.. Football still has hope, though ( then again, when's the last time you actually laughed at a super bowl commercial?..). Everything is style over substance, image triumphs, genius marketing ( even with BS products like an iPad.. ), and corp. greed...

- Alia - 10-15-2012 09:23 PM

wow, what a rant.
I agree that a lot of the music and movies coming out lack originality. Actors aren't as talented as they used to be because apparently all we're looking for is a pretty face. Family ties aren't as strong as they used to be, family isn't as important as it used to be and people all over the world are getting a lot shallower thanks to the media. I never played video games so no comment on that.

P.S. have you noticed Bella always makes a face like she's constipated or smelling something nasty?

- ;) - 10-15-2012 09:23 PM

Honestly, i just think you happen to have a very negative outlook on life. There are many positive things in today's culture that you could be thinking about instead. Your only paying attention to the negative things, which happene to be very minor compared to other things in this world like the war that is going on right now. Im not saying that your not a happy person, but thinking like this definately wont bring happiness

- Crone - 10-15-2012 09:23 PM

If one insists on viewing the world through the "screens" of video game, internet stuff, television, then YES, "everything [IS] cheapened these days[.] Piss poor efforts, instant gratification, greed.."

Yes, it takes a certain amount of effort to make one's own choices. It's easier to watch the activities shown on machines that are developed and maintained carefully to grab our attention, and hold on as long as possible. To insinuate messages in our mind, consciousness, conscience, memory . . . .

It's so much easier to complain about the team sports on TV than it is to get out and play frisbee catch, touch football, street hockey, swimming.

If you're looking for places where you WON'T find "style over substance, image triumphs, genius marketing ( even with BS products like an iPad.. ), and corp. greed...", try offering your services at a Soup Kitchen or Volunteer Center. Watch a High School marching band. Spend some time with little children, and watch how hard they concentrate to learn how to stand up on their own.

- 【エニグマ】 - 10-15-2012 09:23 PM

I can somewhat agree with those things you've stated.

I think that the problem is that mostly everyone growing up in the 2000s (whether it'd be children or teens) have been spoiled in a technology-rich/media obsessed environment. They want to follow the trends so they can be considered "modern" or "cool". Speaking of such, on my cousin's half brother's birthday he went absolutely ballistic just because he got a laptop and didn't get a cell phone...he's NINE years old. That ungrateful little **** should be thankful he got anything at all...

I grew up on the retro systems back in the day, and I can agree that games were much more fun, and original than they are now, but there are still some new games that I kind of like playing (Though, aren't as nostalgic.) Reality television is quite awful, too. If you had noticed --Disney is obsessed with romance. Every sitcom they have now always has some girl in every episode saying "Omg they are sooo hot", and also, no matter how old they are, they almost always have a cell phone, computer, and a myspace/facebook. Another thing...It seems that the media claims having a boyfriend at age 10 is "cool". Seriously...what the hell? They really want children to grow up as sluts. Also, what the hell happened to humour? Nothing I see now on TV even makes me crack a smile (Including that god-forbidden "Two and a half men" show. ALL of my friends like that utter crap.)

Lots of people would disagree with these thing being said...especially my friends. When I say these things, they say that I need a reality check, or "playfully" call me an old person. ( I am only 17...)

Things are slowly, slowly getting worse as we speak ...

- Enigma