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Why did he dump me, then slept with someone else? - Printable Version

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Why did he dump me, then slept with someone else? - hugeSpecialist780 - 04-28-2014 11:26 AM

My friends just tell me to screw him but it's so hard for me to move on? He approached to me, I didn't even want to be with him at first but when we started dating I fell for him. I didn't know much about him but people around me said that he seemed like a nice guy which he really was. It didn't take very long before I found out about his ''internet life'' I mean he followed tons of porn sites and girls on instagram which he wrote to and asked for their snapchats, he friended random porn girls on facebook as well. This made me feel like he wasn't being serious with me so I asked him about it and he said that he only wanted me and a serious relationship so he deleted those girls. Over one night he turns distant and dumps me a week later with no real reason, he told me not to create any drama when I want to know more. We agreed to just be friends and he kept me on facebook, skype and continued to invite me to his groups on facebook. He created a page for a stripper and invited me to be a part of it, he then slept with her and posted half nude pictures of her on instagram?! He knew I still had strong feelings for him when he dumped me.. I don't understand what happened? Why would he dump me like that then sleep with someone else? I met his parents and friends so they knew we were together.

- Steve11 - 04-28-2014 11:33 AM

Because he's cheap, shallow, and doesn't respect you.

Get a better guy. He's garbage.

- Alma Grint - 04-28-2014 11:38 AM

He sounds lovely. You lost a real gem there, girl. No wonder you're upset.

- Michael - 04-28-2014 11:40 AM

If you won't put out, then no guy will stay with you. Men like and want sex. Period....

- Hey - 04-28-2014 11:45 AM

He's a guy. An immature one at that. He doesn't know how to be in a real committed relationship and live the single life. Instead, he tries to live both the Single and Taken life. You want something more serious and he just wants a toy to play with. Don't let him play your heart or mind. He just wants a hoe and sex right now, honestly. He probably really does like you, but untill he actually grows up he won't realize that. Eventually, he'll mature and go after women who has something going for themselves. Don't sit up and wait. Don't try figuring out why he did such a thing to you, just go with the flow and move on. Never settle for less. Know your standards. It'll be hard walking away but don't hurt your own heart. Find someone who won't have you on Yahoo asking questions like this. Good Luck!(: