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Need answers please. How do I get this girl to go out with me? GIRLS, HOW CAN I MAKE HER WANT TO GO OUT WITH ME? - Printable Version

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Need answers please. How do I get this girl to go out with me? GIRLS, HOW CAN I MAKE HER WANT TO GO OUT WITH ME? - Sarcasticstep605 - 04-28-2014 11:28 AM

I am a senior in highschool. So is this girl. She is the most beautiful girl in my class, and I am sure everyone i know would agree with me. She is super nice, really quiet, and everybody likes her. I asked her to prom with a dozen roses after school a week ago and she said yes. I was so happy! Four days later she texted me saying she was sorry like a hundred times but she had plans to go solo with her gfs to prom. She said she feels awful and so on. I took it real cool, laughed it off and told her its no problem. But since then I have gained an extreme attraction to her. I havent been attracted to a girl like this since my ex of 2 years broke up with me a year ago. Just looking at her makes me happy. I know she blew me off. But I still think she is nice. She will barely look at me since she canceled, I just can't ignore this attraction for her now???? Everytime i tell a friend that she cancelled prom with me they say shes a B for cancelling, and i just tell them to be a little understanding because i just dont think she is one. Actually i like her even more now? Shes really nice i swear!
What do I do? I... want this girl... like really bad.
These are the first feelings i have had for someone in almost 3 years that wasn't for my ex!
What should I do about this attraction???? Ignoring it would just be a waist i think/? What are your thoughts/plans on how i can court her or ask her out???

- LemonsForLemonade - 04-28-2014 11:29 AM

you can still hang out with her during prom, maybe ask her for a dance?

- Nona - 04-28-2014 11:31 AM

Ask her out nicely but don't be too clingy/desperate.

- layla - 04-28-2014 11:34 AM

Just make your move. You can't fear rejection. Go to her, not your friends, not by note, not by text or phone call. Just ask her out and if she says no, she wants to just stay your friend.go find her at the prom , ask to dance with her, then ask her out while your dancing. Don't be scared and have courage and she is 100% likely to say yes. And be yourself.

- Coco - 04-28-2014 11:38 AM

I first suggest that you try to figure out if shes being nice to you just because shes nice to everyone or if she really likes you for you
if she does then i would suggest spending time with her
working on homework or going to the park whatever works for you
then after you get to know her ask her out
the key is being confident and honest

- allena - 04-28-2014 11:45 AM

First of all you can't MAKE a girl like you. And second just try to be good friends and then slowly make your move if you go too fast she'll probably be kinda freaked out.

- Beth - 04-28-2014 11:52 AM

You seem like you really like this girl, therefore you shouldn't leave it! I think she might have only cancelled on prom because she genuinely did want to go with her girlfriends, not because she has anything against you. By how you describes she seems like a really nice girl so you should tell her how you feel and she will understand. If she doesn't want to immediately start dating give it time, and she might feel different, both get to know each other proper. I hope everything goes well you seem like a nice guy .

- Sherri - 04-28-2014 11:58 AM

First of all, take a few deep breaths, and relax for 5 minutes. You seem like a very sweet guy, and I am so glad that you referred to her as beautiful, rather than hot or sexy, this means you are really looking within her. It seems that the fact that she cancelled makes her mysterious, because you don't know what being out with her would be like. So, this makes you want her more. Although you do really like this girl, these feelings of wanting her even more, because she cancelled to go to prom with you, are symptoms of infatuation. I'd say follow the instincts of this feeling, and ask her on a date somewhere else. Ask her to a movie or to dinner. However, take the time to actually get to know her, because infatuation can fool you. In order to actually get to know her, you need to ask her out, and talk to her more. If she rejects you, then unfortunately she is not interested, and you have to let it go. If she says yes to a date, then this gives you an opening to get to know her. From there, take things slow, and see how it blossoms, you may really love her, or not like her at all. But, don't rush into things, because you want her more now. Also, it seems that the reason she is avoiding you is because she feels that you are upset or offended that she cancelled on going to prom with you. She is not a bitch for doing so, she most likely already had those plans with her friends. She is just being true to them. Let her know that you think it's great that she is choosing to enjoy her last dance of high school with her best friends, shows reliability. And ask her if there's a chance that she'd like to go on a date somewhere else. I would say talk to her in person, but if you are too shy, use text messaging, fb chat etc.

Hope this helps!