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What if your boss and coworkers send you a fb friend request? - Printable Version

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What if your boss and coworkers send you a fb friend request? - Toughmoon247 - 04-28-2014 11:29 AM

What if your boss or coworker finds you on face book and sends you a friend request? You can't decline them because it would be rude.

- puchun - 04-28-2014 11:38 AM

You can accept it to not be rude. Then you can go your setting and choose what they can see or not! Go to privacy setting and you and it would guide you from there.

- Bent Snowman - 04-28-2014 11:45 AM

Agreed, accept and change it so they can see basically nothing. You can be private and not impolite in this way, even though "private" is just the generous way of saying most people do not want to be fb friends with their boss and find it a forward or off-base invitation.

- Windowphobe - 04-28-2014 11:54 AM

I do not accept FB friend requests from coworkers under any conditions. If they insist on getting my attention, they must quit their jobs.

I have stuck to this policy for four years and will not change it.