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How long would a girl wait to text a guy back if he stops texting for days? - Printable Version

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How long would a girl wait to text a guy back if he stops texting for days? - teeny-tinyfuel863 - 04-28-2014 11:30 AM

Alrite. Lets say a dude starts fb texting you and you's text off and on. Every other day texting. He's done most of the talking in the texting. He isnt texting back. How long will you wait before you text HIM back? And why will you wait this long?

- HiThere - 04-28-2014 11:37 AM

Never. I'm totally serious.

Here's the thing: Guys need to do the chasing, they are biologically wired this way. If you chase him he thinks it's too easy and he loses interest. It's that simple.

Remember, if a guy wants you, he WILL contact you and attempt to see you. He already knows he has blown you off, so if you text him he will think you are desperate and have no self respect.

The best way to get guys to want you is to adopt the mentality that you are a TOP-notch chick they are damn lucky to have and you don't care whether they want you or not. Trust me on this. I used to get dissed until I changed my attitude completely and guess what? They text me. Even the most cocky bad-boy guys are texting me, the ones who base their whole game on women chasing them. NOT me, lol!

Fun part is when you get to blow them off.

Try it, you'll see Smile

- Cassie - 04-28-2014 11:47 AM

Let me start off by saying that I'm a 27 year old woman so things may be different with age and maturity. If a guy stopped texting me, I don't text him back. No waiting period. I am grown and have a career and bills to pay. I don't play games. Either you want to talk or you don't. However, I also don't let the guy do all the talking either if I'm interested in him. A good conversation should be 50/50. If a woman isn't putting forth some effort in the conversation then she's either not that interested or it could mean she's really shy. I'm betting more on the first.

- LadyMarissa - 04-28-2014 11:51 AM

I'd wait FOREVER before I'd text him UNLESS he texted me FIRST!!! WHY??? Because I have RESPECT for myself!!! My life was just fine BEFORE I met him & it will be just fine AFTER he stops texting me!!! He's met somebody else he likes & he's now texting her & I'd be happy for the BOTH of them!!!

- Marissa - 04-28-2014 11:55 AM

Just text him whenever you want.Dont wait on him.

- thathotgirlyouknow - 04-28-2014 12:00 PM

It's probably a good idea to wait about a week or so. You need to make guys chase you and not the other way around. Try not to be too clingy though cuz guys aboslutely hate that. It's prob even best to wait even just a day or 2. but don't start of with something like "hey long time no see". Act as if you don't really care what he's been doing.

- Alley - 04-28-2014 12:05 PM

Trust me I know it's hard. I have this issue with my boyfriend as well, but I have learned when I don't text him and wait for him to come to Me he appreciates me a lot more.