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Any girls that understand this girl I like a bit? - Printable Version

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Any girls that understand this girl I like a bit? - hissingcable785 - 04-28-2014 11:32 AM

I met this girl at a party, we kissed and were bit drunk. Then I spoke to her a month ago, she reacted quite cold. Then month later she suddenly spoke to me and was nice and talkative after she saw me at the gym. Then 3 weeks later we spoke again and she was first talkative and suddenly cold..
Can anybody tell me somethingg about this kind of attitude? What she trying? (All these conversations were on fb). She told me she doesn't regret kissing me and she thought I was nice tho

Wonder if she likes me or playing hard to get or what..

- Ellen - 04-28-2014 11:39 AM

Shes using u. Dont like bit.ches like her they crush ur heart

- Madeline - 04-28-2014 11:44 AM

she could be playing hard to get or just getting bored with the conversation

in my opinion she seems like she would be hard to deal with in a relationship, like the smallest thing would make her upset

dont date her, find someone else that appreciates you always rather than when it suits her

good luck!

- Mikia Kelly - 04-28-2014 11:50 AM

She likes u because she does regret kissing u and think u r nice. I am pretty sure she is playing hardtop get or does not know how to treat a guy because she is inexperienced with guys but never the less she likes u. I say keep talking to her and get to know her better.

- Lovely - 04-28-2014 11:57 AM

She's using you but maybe she's those type of girls that play hard to get.

- Milly - 04-28-2014 11:57 AM

This could be seen in a few different ways.

Like you said, maybe she's trying to play hard to get. Meaning that she likes you, and that she's making herself seem more attractive to you (because girls are always told that guys love the chase).

Or a slightly more negative interpretation, she might be playing games with you, realizing that you like her and taking advantage by leading you on and then pulling away, just because she loves the male attention.

Alternatively (which is what I did when I was single) she's actually talking to a lot of guys at the moment in search of a boyfriend, and may be feeling confused. She might think she likes one better, but the next moment she prefers you.

There's only one way to find out, which is to be patient, but get to know her better. Talk to her occasionally but not all the time (because that's annoying), but also let her make the first move. It takes time to reveal the mystery of a person.

Think open-mindedly, but don't be too optimistic, because although its possible she might be playing hard-to-get, you don't know for sure, she might just be playing games. So prepare for anything to happen.

All the best.((:

- Daniella - 04-28-2014 12:05 PM

Unlikely. Think she's using using you but she could be confused. She said she doesn't regret so then she could like you but not know how to go about it and do when she's going steady she gets shocked or nervous and just backs down. Take a look into it and read between the lines. Don't take what she says word by word but rather gut feeling and reading between the lines as well as her actions. Basically consider everything and see how it goes. If I helped and you ever need more advice email me directly at