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What is deepweb seriously? - Printable Version

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What is deepweb seriously? - Rynard - 04-28-2014 11:33 AM

Seriously WTF is that?
I read that using it is a crime is that true? I want to know some about that shit.

- Duncan - 04-28-2014 11:41 AM

Most of the web is not indexed and does not appear in Google searches etc. Those sites are often government archives, academic research papers and dynamic sites that only exist when someone requests to see them etc. This is known as the Deep web as opposed to the Surface web which is what you find with a Google search. There is a small corner of the Deep web that is used by criminals etc. who, obviously, do not want to be listed in a Google search - this is often referred to as the Dark web.

It is not illegal to access the Deep web or the Dark web. Any activity that is illegal anywhere else is also illegal on the Internet whether it is on the surface or in the deep or dark parts.

- Scootaloo - 04-28-2014 11:44 AM

deep web refers to the part of the internet that isn't indexed by search engines such as Google, so you'd need a direct link to access it. The vast, vast, vast majority of deep web content is innocuous, but the media has taken the term and turned it into a reference to the illicit content on Tor onion sites (child porn, drug trading, etc).

There's nothing illegal or glamorous about the deep web. Chances are you're on part of it every day and don't even know it.