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What to do about my boyfriend's Instagram drama? - Printable Version

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What to do about my boyfriend's Instagram drama? - shallowseed397 - 04-28-2014 11:34 AM

My boyfriend, who I live with recently got an Instagram account. He has followed about 20+ businesses to start, then his sister and then of all people, his ex-girlfriend?!

I don't have Instagram, but I thought I would check out his page and found this. I felt very hurt. I've stuck by his side a lot and dealt with his family who is nasty to me for no reason.

I think the fact that he search for first out of anyone his ex-girlfriend to follow is completely disrespectful. I mean, why would he do that, and why would he even care still?

How should I handle this. I feel like a little kid bringing this up even though I'm 25, but it still makes me mad.

- Jenny - 04-28-2014 11:38 AM

Just ask him about it

- Brittany - 04-28-2014 11:46 AM

I think it's funny that you associate "caring" with an instagram follow.. Lol did you ever think that maybe he was just curious or trying to find other people he knew by following her & checking out her friends list? You assume before you even ask...

Insecurity at it's finest. Funny how grown ass people even let social media define themselves & their relationships. What a joke.

- Sue - 04-28-2014 11:54 AM

Just because he added his ex didnt mean he cheated in you. Just trust him and if he did something suspicious then you confront him. Give him his own space.