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What does a dream about FB (Facebook) mean? - Printable Version

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What does a dream about FB (Facebook) mean? - 781 - 04-28-2014 11:42 AM

I had a dream last night about a happier time in my life, I saw old photographs of myself that I took back in March of 2011. I think my FB said it was March 2011. In every picture that was up on the website I was smiling and seemed to be doing pretty good. I think I was also single at the time because when I looked up my relationship status in my dream it said (none) *I was still with my ex (for real) back in March 2011.* I have since moved on and gotten another bf. (not in my dream for real) But my question is why or what could have caused me to have a dream like this?
I don't have a FB anymore

- Ruth - 04-28-2014 11:45 AM

Maybe you need to be single for awhile? Make yourself happy instead of looking for happiness with someone.

- Sa - 04-28-2014 11:50 AM

You might have some discussions regarding Face Book or your past relationship recently!

- Paul - 04-28-2014 12:05 PM

You probably depended your life on FB (Maybe not literally) maybe without even knowing it. Like you need to let the world know whats happening, because your mind is happy, maybe deep, deep down inside; like your concious, is actually miserable/sad. So 'bragging' to the world your happy, is like lying to yourself. Maybe since you quite FB, and the human concious has huge effects on what you think and how, without you even knowing it, it probably just feels as though, you accepted the miserable life your living and choosing to do nothing about it. Cheer up' maybe see a shrink, for depression.
P.s even if lots of thIngs have been going your way lately, it's still possible that your 'concious' is actually depressed. Finding what it is, is the first step for cure.

- Alyson M - 04-28-2014 12:21 PM

Maybe this facebook dream was actually a flashback to you in your happier times maybe unresolved issues with your ex or being single

- MissConstrued** - 04-28-2014 12:34 PM

You were happier in that part of your life .
It's telling you to take facts about WHY you were happy then , & apply
them now so you can get the same satisfaction out of life that you did then Smile