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How Do I Vote In The Super Power Beat Downs? - Printable Version

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How Do I Vote In The Super Power Beat Downs? - Alpha Werewolf - 04-28-2014 12:00 PM

hey can someone please help me...
i wanted to vote so i went on their channel and clicked "CLICK HERE TO VOTE"....
then it sed i needed to download a subscription and to do that i needed to add my email. so i did and it sed i will get an email wen sumthing comes out
plz help i have no idea wats goin onor do i have to click click here to vote and click "get started for free" plz plz plz help meeeeee

- 479 - 04-28-2014 12:06 PM

It was the same for me and successed at 2nd try , weird !!