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Adware/Virus problem? - Printable Version

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Adware/Virus problem? - 938 - 04-28-2014 12:05 PM

i've got this virus that changes my home page to some site called; ""
(it is basicly a rip off of Google.)

i have Explorer, chrome and firefox (it comes up on all of them!)

i have tried to change it by changing the homepage setings, running the nortan Anti virus, and even uninstalling my browsers!

so in other words... HELP!

Thanks for reading!

I've tried that, but no such program exists...

tried it, already, it just doesn't seem to want to leave >:8

- Kim - 04-28-2014 12:20 PM

try SuperAntiSpyware Free Edition

- dan - 04-28-2014 12:32 PM

Control panel> uninstall a program > uninstall Conduit

- Harry - 04-28-2014 12:45 PM

hi first of all you need to delete the file from you computer.
1) go to your control panel windows key + x > control panel
2) programs > uninstall a program
3) find the program
4) right click > uninstall program
5) go through all of your web browsers and remove through the setting ( it sounds like you already know how to do this)

I hope this helps

- LucasVL - 04-28-2014 12:58 PM

First go to 'Control panel' > 'Programs' > 'Uninstal a program'
Try to uninstall weird programs, such as 'PC Boosters', and unknown 'Virus scanners'. Then download MalwareBytes. Do a full scan, and delete all the virussen, malware and other dangerous things that MalwareBytes had found. Then go to your browser and reset the browser settings. Your homepage should be reseted also. After that reboot your computer.