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Windows 8 keeps dropping internet connection? - Printable Version

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Windows 8 keeps dropping internet connection? - 888 - 04-28-2014 12:59 PM

I recently did a System Restore on my windows 8 laptop, and ever since my internet connection (wireless LAN) keeps dropping. The wireless connection itself however does not drop, merely the connection to the internet.
If it helps, my computer is an Acer Aspire Timeline M5-481.

It is only my PC, all other devices still work. My PC also used to be fine, it was only after the system restore that I kept losing connection (whether the restore is to blame I do not know!)

I've checked all my drivers, they're up to date. If I do troubleshooting, it fixes my connection for about 10 minutes, after which it's dropped again. Sometimes it also comes back on its own - in fact, it usually is not gone for a very long time, just about a minute.

So what I can say for certain is:

The drivers and my modem are NOT to blame! I've tried everything listed in the Windows help page, nothing has worked.
This problem seems to be fairly common, so please let me know if you have a good solution. If possible without a full wipe of my PC.

In response to "nonse case": The fact that I can't even open a web page is what worries me, I know that the bars are not relevant. I'm connected to my router, It even says I have internet connection, but the truth of the matter is that I simply can't connect to the internet.

- nonse case - 04-28-2014 01:02 PM

it doesn't matter how low the connection is, as long as its showing one bar or more then your ok, start worrying when no bars are showing

- sortier - 04-28-2014 01:04 PM

If possible, get a LAN cable and connect the PC to the router directly to see if that works fine. If yes, you know that the problem ist WIFI-related (perhaps wrong settings or faulty hardware). If not, you know that something is wrong either with the PC or the internet connection itself.

- Lee - 04-28-2014 01:17 PM

All Laptops by default are Limited Access. You turn it on or you turn if off. It will have a connection one minute and the next it isn't connected.

Open menus, network connections. Find the wireless and open it's properties and enable the wireless and then reboot. This makes the wireless a permanent connection.

From other things you have said it sounds like it has Malware on the computer which has changed setting.