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I get annoyed by repetitive behavior? - Printable Version

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I get annoyed by repetitive behavior? - Hello KT - 04-28-2014 01:49 PM

It's not just as simple as I put it in the subject. With everyone I am close to, I always subconsciously find some particular behavior that they do and whenever I hear it, it's like listening to nails on a chalk board. It can be a boyfriend or a family member... not so much friends since I don't spend as much time with them as I would family and my boyfriend.

And it's the weirdest stuff that doesn't normally annoy people this much! It feels like I don't even see it coming either. The annoyance just pops up and won't go away.

For example, with my boyfriend, I keep hearing this swiping sound he makes when he uses the mouse on his laptop. It's so repetitive that I started noticing it and I can't stand it now! Stupid, right? I can also hear him swallowing hard a lot and it drives me crazy as well. (He's congested so I'm guessing that's why he's doing it a lot)

For my mom, for someone who chews with her mouth closed, she chews so loud! My sister has a slight inhale as she's chewing.... All these annoyances may sound normal, but I feel like I'm nit picking a lot! Esp since these are my loved ones! Why am I so annoyed with them?!

So in the end, my question is, is there some kind of disorder for this? Or am I normal? I feel like I fixate a lot.... Is there a way I can manage something like this? I try so hard to ignore it, but it's not easy at all since I get those chills when I hear or see the behavior.

- Dexter26 - 04-28-2014 01:59 PM

I will be checking if you get any answers because I have exactly the same problem. I thought I was the only one, sometimes I get so annoyed that I feel like hitting them and that scares me, our minds play some weird games on us sometimes.

- Fahad - 04-28-2014 02:01 PM

Listen, this could bethe easiest thing to handle if you want to.

Whenever you feel like you are noticing anything and cant get over it. Try to do something which gives you pleasure than that sound, noise, person or habbit wont annoy you. For more: write me on twitter: @mrfahadkhan

- Bittertooth - 04-28-2014 02:05 PM

When I ate potato chips in college (in class), you couldn't hear a thing.

You would like hanging out with me.