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my parents won't let me add ppl i dunno in real on fb..? - Printable Version

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my parents won't let me add ppl i dunno in real on fb..? - 938 - 04-28-2014 01:59 PM

help , i have a friend that has been my bestfriend for three years we met on some kinda game but i wanna add her on fb 'my real one ' but my parents won't let me . i saw her pictures every thing and she is my besty .. help ....
well, i saw her picture she has sisters and every thing on fb and the game ,,, but my parents get very worried and if they new i have one ' a friend' after i deleted them i'll get punished 'harshly - (don't wanna talk about it) like last time
and i "DON"T" know her in real 'i wish i did' :/

- 809 - 04-28-2014 02:03 PM

Just do it anyway, and then delete it from your news feed so no one can see it.

- Sasha - 04-28-2014 02:18 PM

Are the pictures small when you click on them? If so its probably a fake fb. Does she have loads of friends, and people that post on her wall, family members. Because just cause you seen pictures doesnt mean there real.And you should have said you knew her in real life. Or say that she goes to your school. Now your stuck in a rock and a hard place.

- Lililili - 04-28-2014 02:25 PM

tell them
its my best friend and blah blah
maybe she has some inappropriate stuff on fb
and plus if they wont let u
its kinda ok
as long as u talk in real life

plz help me;_ylt=AgBp8aOQr1vJCladhqamHjzty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120115124203AA5LuCb

- Machinima Dating - 04-28-2014 02:38 PM

How can your parents see your Facebook? I don't have mine added as friends, delete them as friends and just add your friend. There's really no harm in having online friends as long as you know who you're talking to.