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Should I change my relationship status on FB tomorrow? - Printable Version

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Should I change my relationship status on FB tomorrow? - 769 - 04-28-2014 03:37 PM

My bf and I are 17 and we've been dating for two months. He was my first kiss. We've gone to third base. He tells me he loves me and how much I mean to him. We met at work and beforehand he dated a girl for 7 months whom he had sex with. He broke up with her for me b/c they were on a break and she changed. He has family issues- bio mom is an alcoholic, step mom verbally abuses him, etc. When we first stated dating he took me on two dates. Since then he hasn't taken me out. We've only hooked up in my basement. I told him I felt like a hookup and that he needs to make plans but he hasn't changed. Yesterday he tweeted saying his phone was taken away and for people to fb message him. I asked if he was okay and he replied "yeah im good" then he read/ignored the rest of my messages.

- PRE PRE - 04-28-2014 03:48 PM

Dont change it quite yet wait like another day or so and see what happens i he totally stop talking to you of course change it but not now

- Ann - 04-28-2014 03:49 PM

He is sending you mixed messages. He may be a player. I hope not because you deserve better. God luck.

- cat2zac - 04-28-2014 03:53 PM

Are you asking if you should change it back to "single"?

- john - 04-28-2014 04:06 PM

Well, looks like you got played. Congrats! That's what you get for getting involved with a guy that just dumps girls for other girls. I'm pretty sure you thought he would not do it to you, but he did.

- Armetra - 04-28-2014 04:09 PM

This look like typical playing strategy for man... From your story, I will say that he's not serious to be with you.. But, you shall know him more than me... If you really know him fully, you can judge situation clearly.. Another thing, also please try to meet him in person, and ask the question.

Don't change your FB until you both talk in person.

- Wifeofkuroko - 04-28-2014 04:17 PM

Your relationship should be in the 'single' mode. I mean, you should obviously know if it's worth changing or not. Don't be blind, he's just playing with you. I think you're better than that and you deserve better. Get over him and move on. He's an asshole for ignoring your messages and all. Hope you know what you should do next. Good luck.