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How do I deal with my nasty aunty and people like her in general? - Printable Version

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How do I deal with my nasty aunty and people like her in general? - Mr Maniacal - 04-28-2014 03:45 PM

Were having a family get together for my grandfathers 80th at his house so all the family and family friends are coming over to his house.

My aunty is one of 'those' christians, you know the type that obsesses over homosexual people and pretty much ignores the rest of the bible. It's like her entire life revolves around hating gay people. She is twice divorced and has children from those two marriages, my uncle was married to her for 3 years and had my older cousin with her so that's why this idiot bitch is in my life.

I was looking at her facebook page on the pages she has liked and the groups she is in and literally 50% of them are for stopping gay marriage, gay adoption, stopping 'heterophobia', boycotting gay friendly products and so on... She wrote like 5 different statuses against gay people and about her gaaaaawd when equal marriage was legalized in my country. Also her profile picture is a red and white equal sign with a big X over it.

My lovely , beautiful cousin is ashamed of her deranged beliefs and moved out at 19. She makes her other children who are 3-15 years old read the bible, write down bible verses and go church. It's mandatory.

Most of the family don't like her and the last time I saw her 4 christmases ago, I got a little drunk I called her a twunt because she said she was sad that her friend was going to hell for being a lesbian or something stupid like that, I don't really remember.

Anyway, I did exaggerate quite a bit, but she's nasty and it's going to be awkward at the party. I just can't cope with these people. I needed to vent a little, sorry.

- NERD - 04-28-2014 03:47 PM

ignore her , she's trying to get attention which she dosen't deserve .

- Audrey - 04-28-2014 03:48 PM

sigh, it seems never ending doesn't it? Not being sarcastic but you can pray for her. Seriously, and ask her to not refer to people she knows nothing about while in your presence. Else leave the room when she comes in. But don't waste too much time on her- she is obviously a self appointed moral guardian as well as a hypocrite-
and maybe even,.... the lady doth protest too much methinks...
don't get me started!

- Archanthus - 04-28-2014 03:59 PM

Sounds like she is obsessed. I wonder what would cause a person to have such a fervent obsession...

If she wants to boycott gay-friendly products then tell her she's not doing it right unless she includes these gay-friendly companies:


at least then you won't have to look at her FB page anymore, and she won't be able to use a smartphone to find out when the next family reunion is either.